Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Insert/Update sql commands not saving to DB

Here is my problem :
I issue an insert statement to the db. While I am getting a return value of 1 (1 row was affected) the values never show up into the db when I open the DB in access. However, I can see the data when it does an SQL select inside the program. So for instance, I do an insert into ORDER values (1, 12, 5.99). (1 = item ID, 12 = quantity, 5.99 = price). I then do a select * from Order, and I get those values back. When I open the DB in access, in between doing the insert and the select, I dont see the values there either. It is like it is making a temporary copy of the DB in memory during the execution only. When I close the program and re-F5, the data is no longer there. Maybe we need some kind of commit transaction? What am I doing wrong? I am using VB.Net 2005/MS Access 2003. Here is the relevant code :
Private m_Connection As OleDbConnection
''' <summary>
''' Defines the path to the database.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
#If CONFIG = "Debug" Then
Public Const DB_PATH As String = "DBs\DB_Test.mdb"
#ElseIf CONFIG = "Release" Then
Public Const DB_PATH As String = "DBs\DB_Production.mdb"
#End If
Sub connect(ByVal p_path As String) Implements IPartyDBase.connect
Dim connect_string As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source=" & p_path
m_Connection = New OleDbConnection(connect_string)
End Sub
Sub someSub(ByVal stock As StockClass)
Dim tempString
Dim command As OleDbCommand
command = m_Connection.CreateCommand
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text
tempString = "Insert into Stock VALUES (" & stock.ID & ", "
tempString = tempString & stock.Quantity & ", "
tempString = tempString & stock.Price & ")"
Dim tempInt as Integer
command.CommandText = tempString
tempInt = command.ExecuteNonQuery
If Not tempInt = 1 Then
Throw New Exception("Bad addStockToDB into Stock " & tempInt)
End If
End Sub
Sub anotherSub
End Sub
Edit : During execution, looking under bin/debug/DBs, there is a copy of the database that has all the transactions I did during execution... but the actual DB isnt being updated/copied over.
Ok, the problem was that the path was not implicit, and it was overwriting the DB in /bin/debug/DBs... so changing the DB attributes to never copy worked, and opening the file in /bin/debug/DBs instead of the place where it was copying from.

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